Christ University hosted The Christ Festival in Feb , 2018 that involved students coming up with innovation solutions in the Social Innovation Spectrum for Samsthā, a social B-Plan competition.
Samsthā involved the evaluation of the teams and presentations on the following parameters.
The idea-clarity of social aspect; feasibility and originality; relevance.
Scalability -in terms of projection and impact.
Type of business-marketability of the proposed venture; financial and/or social return of the proposed venture; risk assessment.
The written B-plan cohesiveness, professionalism and potential.
The quality of the team members’ responses to questions from the judges and overall presentation.
Shwetabh S Verma was invited to Samsthā as the Guest of Honor for the Event. The highlights of the Event, as he mentions, was an innovative organic straw that had the potential to completely replace the plastic straws in the market. The only thing they had to figure out was adoption and the economics of the product. The adoption can definitely addressed via Human-Centered-Design iterations.